Airtime, Electricity, and Water Top-ups for PNG (Papua New Guinea), and SI (Solomon Islands) can be made via a card payment
Your user credentials are to be validated via the TrumpCore system, which is done as a separate registration upon receiving KYC documents
As long as the top-up is not utilized by the end user, a full refund will be made upon your request within 04 days.
Core banking is a system that connects multiple branches of the same bank together to deliver operations like loan management, withdrawals, and payments in real time.
The term CORE stands for Centralized Online Real-time Environment, which implies that the customer can experience the bank as a single entity, regardless of their location.
A core banking system comprises back-end servers that handle standard operations like interest calculation, passbook maintenance, and withdrawal.
When a customer withdraws money from a branch or an ATM, the application sends a request to the centralized data center, which then processes the request and authenticates the operation.
You purchase the code license and get the freedom of modifications as you see fit.
Your team can customize the ready-made ewallet software so that it meets all regulatory, security and compliance standards.
You start off having an essential part of your product at hand – a robust wallet engine designed to be easily extended via integrations, virtually without limits.
There’s one flat fee to pay and no need to bother about the recurrent subscription expenses.
MobileCash architecture allows integrating any 3rd-party tools for each stage of the customer journey. Our API set makes it easy to connect the ready-made components to your wallet engine rather than having to develop the necessary functonality from scratch.